With Naxos Spoken Word Library you can
• Access thousands of spoken word - the entire critically acclaimed
Naxos AudioBooks Website
• Listen to entire productions or individual tracks, from anywhere, at anytime, you decide. Enjoy NSWL on your smart phone and tablet with the NSWL mobile iOS and Android apps.
System Requirements:
Please try our 15-minute free preview to see if your computer system is compatible with our service.
Our HTML5 player is supported in the following browser versions:
Windows 7+
- IE 9.0 +
- Firefox: 65 +
- Chrome: 65 +
OS X 10.6+
- Safari: 12 +
- Firefox: 65 +
- Chrome: 65 +
iOS 10+
Android 7.0+
Please feel free to contact us with any questions or comments.
For technical questions, please contact:
USA: NMLHelp@Naxosusa.com
All countries except USA: Customer.Service@Naxos.com
*Refund Policy:
A full refund may be requested during the initial 7 days of your subscription. All requests afterwards will be reviewed on a case by case basis.
Please send your requests to customer.service@naxos.com.
For individuals who would like to become a subscriber of Naxos Spoken Word Library, you must pay with a valid credit card and billing address.